SABnzbd Plus for Amahi

SABnzbd Plus

SABnzbd Plus

3.5 / 20 ratings

SABnzbd Plus is a free/open-source cross-platform binary newsreader written in Python.
It is one of the most heavy-duty newsreaders out there, with addons like nzbdStatus (for Firefox), SABConnect++ (for Chrome), myNZB (for iPhone), Episode Blutler, etc.

It simplifies the process of downloading from Usenet dramatically, thanks to its friendly web-based user interface and advanced built-in post-processing options that automatically verify, repair, extract and clean up posts downloaded from Usenet. SABnzbd Plus also has a fully customizable user interface, and offers a complete API for third-party applications to hook into.
SABnzbd Plus
Home Page SABnzbd Plus
Version 2.3.9
Contributor bigfoot65
Updated about 4 years ago
Tags nzb, newsgroups, nntp, usenet, episode butler, couch potato, usenet
  • Fedora 14 Ubuntu 12.04
  • Fedora 19 Fedora 21
  • Fedora 23 Fedora 25
  • Fedora 27 Fedora 38

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